Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How to find mvn site command in Netbeans 6.7 ?

Problem :

I try to create a web site for my project with Maven by reading an article of Batiste Witch : article,.
I met some difficulties : How to find mvn site command in Netbeans ?

Solution :

The solution is simple.
When you create a maven project, there is no Project Site directory in project java view.So you can't access to the Generate Site menu.
To reveal this menu you have to create a "site" directory in src directory.Then, you make
run-> Clean and Build Main Project .After that you will see a Project Site directory in Project java view and you will be able to right click on it and generate site.

Screen shots and explanation are available here :

Monday, September 28, 2009

Netbeans : Create your own shortcut.

Problème :

You know eclipse shortcut but it doesn't exist in Netbeans.
Note : the complete shortcut list is available in menu Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts Card.

Solution : Create you own shortcut with netbeans macro.

Like excel, you can edit and save you macro.
Here is how you can do :

Image that you want delete a line with CTRL + D.
1) Start recording : Go Edit -> Start recording
2) Select one line by clicking severeal time on the line then delete it.
3) Stop recording by cliking on Edit -> Stop recording.

This dialog box appears :

Enter the name of the macro (ex:delete-line) then click OK.
You will show a similary window :

The last thing you have to do is "Set shortcut" and define your shortcut.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

JAVA Certification SCJP : operators

Here is an SCJP certification exercise about operators.

Exercice :

class Arg {

public static void main(String[] args){
int i = 6;

if ( i && 12 ){


} else {





What is the result ?

A : OK!

B : KO!

C : compilation fails

D : An exception is thrown at runtime

Soultion :

The compilation will fail because of i && 12.The && and || work with boolean operators only !

Monday, September 21, 2009

New version of Eclipse : Eclipse 3.6 Helios M2

The new eclipse (Eclipse 3.6 Helios) milestone 2 is available !
There are many changes like New Open Implementation command and
Extract Method improvements.

See the link above for more details :



Noop : new google programming langage which be made to be integrate on Sun's JVM.

Google has create a new langage which is done to be initialy integrated at the JVM.
The language's goal :

Noop says Yes to

* Dependency injection built into the language

* Testability - a seam between every pair of classes

* Immutability

* Syntax geared entirely towards readable code

* Executable documentation that's never out-of-date

* Properties, strong typing, and sensible modern standard library

Noop says No to

* Any statics whatsoever

* Implementation inheritance (subclassing)

* Primitives

* Unnece

it's seem interesting !

More information :

JVM summit conference

javaworld's article

Noop home page

Saturday, September 19, 2009

JAVA Certification SCJP : keyword

Question about keywords are often in SCJP exam.Be careful at C++ keyword that are different of JAVA keyword.The exam will try to make confuse about this.If you search, books and exercice,you can see that link : Certification Sun SCJP

These exercises will show common keyword question.

Exercise 1 :

Given the following :

public class Test {

public static void main(String [] args) {



public void assert {




What is the result ? (choose one)

A Zest!

B Helllo

C Compilation fails

D An exception is thrown at runtime

Exercice 2 :

Given the following :

public class Test {

public static void main(String [] args) {


int true = 1;

System.out.println("true : " + true);



What is the result ? (choose one)

A Zest!

B Zest true: 1

C Compilation fails

D An exception is thrown at runtime

Exercice 3 :

public class Test {
public static void main(String [] args) {


transient int value = 10;

System.out.println("true : " + true);



What is the result ? (choose one)

A Zest!

B Zest true: 1

C Compilation fails

D An exception is thrown at runtime

Solution :

Exercise 1 :

Compilation will fail because assert is a reserved keywords. Be careful at this sort of question.It's often in test and very easy to miss it

Exercise 2 :

Compilation will fail because you can't name variable with a keyword name.

Exercise 3 :

Compilation will fail.Transient keyword is an attribut of a class.It's used in serialisation.
Example :
class Writeable implements {
public transient int var1 = 4;
public int var2 = 19;

Monday, September 14, 2009

JAVA Certification SCJP : fundamentals main

You must know the construction of the main method.
The exam will try to make confuse about this.If you search, books and exercice,
you can see that link : Certification Sun SCJP

Note : the solutions of the exercise are at the end.

Exercice 1 :

Given the following :

public class Test {
public static void main(String args) {

What is the result ? (choose one)

A Helllo
B Hell
C Compilation fails
D An exception is thrown at runtime

Exercice 2 :

Given the following :

public class Test {
public static void main(String [] arg) {

What is the result ? (choose one)

A Helllo
B Hel
C Compilation fails
D An exception is thrown at runtime

Exercise 3 :

Given the following :

public class Test {
public void main(String [] argS) {

What is the result ? (choose one)

A Helllo
B Hel
C Compilation fails
D An exception is thrown at runtime

Exercise 4 :

Given the following :

public class Test {
public static void main(String [] test) {

and the command line evocation is
java Test X 1 t
What is the result ? (choose one)

A Test
C 1
D t
C Compilation fails
D An exception is thrown at runtime

Solution :

Exercise 1 :

There is no [] that 's why, there is an error at execution.The compilator doesn't see
the main method.It see a method so when you launch your application, it thows an exception :

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Test (wrong name: packet/Test)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
Could not find the main class: Test. Program will exit.

The answer is D.

Exercise 2 :

You will see Helllo on the scree.
Note : you can name the main method argument differently if you wish.

Exercise 3 :

The correct answer is D because the compilator search main method but there is not correct
main method like public static void main(String [] args) {

Exercise 4 :

The good solution is B (X).