I have the following error at startup of my GRAILS 3.1.1 application :
ERROR org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg.HibernateMappingBuilder - ORM Mapping Invalid: Specified config option [name] does not exist for class [toolprod.Machine]!
The consequence was that it can't create the table Machine.
Here is my domain class which had the error :
class Machine {
* Name of the web server.
String name
* IP address.
String ipAddress
* Application list in this machine.
Set<App> apps = []
* Servers list.
Set<Server> servers = []
static hasMany = [apps : App, servers : Server]
static mapping = {
sort "name"
static constraints = {
ipAddress(nullable: true)
To solve this issue, I set a default value for name :
static constraints = {
name(nullable: false)
ipAddress(nullable: true)